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Vaccination of children

Vaccination of children

State -reimburesed vaccination

  • The vaccination schedule is fixed and announced by authorities and followed by the doctor.
  • If there is a preventive visit, the vaccination is performed as part of the visit and a separate pre-vaccination consultation is not required.
  • If, for any reason, vaccination is not carried out during a preventive visit, consultation is mandatory before vaccination.

Vaccine names and availability is depending on responsible authorities advise list. Clinic is collaborating with certified medicine importers to make maximum access of required vaccines.

Most common used vaccines are:

  • Hexacim,
  • RotaTeq
  • Priorix / M-M-RVaxPro
  • Varivax / Varilrix
  • Tetraxim
  • Pentaxim
  • Dultavax
  • Cervarix/Gardasil
  • etc.

Ask advise from doctor or write your question to e-mail info@premiummedical.lv 

Vaccination price list

Please remember – doctor visit and advise is mandatory to perform vaccination.