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Services for adults

Specialists / Services
Duration, MIN
Acupuncture (needle therapy) Open
  • Scheduled consultation with acupuncture procedure 80 min. 80,30 EUR
  • A standard acupuncture procedure 40 min. 70,50 EUR
  • Cosmetic acupuncture procedure 60 min. 58,00 EUR
Allergologist Open
  • Allergologist appointment for adults 40 min. 92,10 - 98,10 EUR
  • Allergologist repeated appointment for adults 30 min. 85,10 - 92,80 EUR
  • Consultation of an allergist with spirography 40 min. 115,8 - 122,2 EUR
Occupational doctor Open
  • Occupational doctor appointment, mandatory medical examination 30 min. 82,90 EUR
  • Occupational doctor concluding the consultation, closing of mandatory medical examination 20 min. 72,10 EUR
Algologist Open
  • Algologist consultation 40 min. 65,00 EUR
  • Algologist repeated consultation 40 min. 60,00 EUR
  • Lumbar spinal epidural blockade under USG control - 110,00 EUR
  • Epidural blockade of the spine (neck or chest) under USG control - 120,00 EUR
  • Facet joint blockade under USG control - 110,00 EUR
  • Blockade of the sacroiliac joint under USG control - 95,00 EUR
  • Joint blockade with trigger point blockade under USG control - 80,00 EUR
  • Trigger point and myofascial blockade - 70,00 EUR
Dermatologist-venereologist Open
  • Dermatologist appointment for adults 30 min. 92,10 EUR
  • Dermatologist repeated appointment for adults 20 min. 85,00 EUR
Endocrinologist Open
  • Endocrinologist appointment 45 min. 98,10 EUR
  • Endocrinologist repeated appointment 30 min - 45 min 89,70 EUR
Vascular surgeon Open
  • Vascular surgeon appointment 30 min. 86,70 EUR
  • Vascular surgeon repeated appointment 25 min. 79,40 EUR
  • Vascular surgeon repeated appointment - bandaging, suture removal 25 min. 68,90 EUR
Gastroenterologist Open
  • Gastroenterologist appointment 40 min. 96,10 EUR
  • Gastroenterologist repeated appointment 20 min. 79,10 EUR
  • Gastroenterologist consultation with USG of internal organs and interpretation 40 min. 167,00 EUR
Geriatrician Open
  • Geriatrician appointment 60 min. 76,70 EUR
  • Geriatrician repeated appointment 20 min. 71,20 EUR
  • Geriatrician first consultation at the patient's home 90 min. 170,00 - 250,00 EUR
Gynaecologist Open
  • Gynaecologist appointment 40 - 60 min. 89,20 EUR
  • Gynaecologist repeated appointment 20 min. 82,70 EUR
  • Gynaecologist consultation for entry into the pregnancy register (price includes USG with HD3) 60 min. 118,70 EUR
  • Gynaecologist planned extended consultation 60 min. 98,90 EUR
  • Monthly consultation for pregnancy follow-up 40 min. 92,10 EUR
  • USG within the gynaecological consultation with HD3 -- min. 62,80 EUR
  • Taping in gynaecology and obstetrics within the consultation -- min. 19,70 EUR
  • Removal of IUD within the consultation -- min. 45,00 EUR
General practitioner, internist Open
  • General practitioner appointment 40 min. 84,90 EUR
  • General practitioner repeated appointment 25 min. 78,90 EUR
  • General practitioner consultation before vaccination 15 min. 48,00 EUR
  • General practitioner consultation before vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis 10 min. 48,00 EUR
  • General practitioner acute consultation 20 min. 86,10 EUR
  • General practitioner extended preventive consultation (check-up) 60 min. 105,70 EUR
  • Acute internist appointment – min. 86,10 EUR
  • Internist appointment - min. 84,90 EUR
  • Repeated internist appointment - min. 78,90 EUR
  • Extended internist consultation - min. 95,10 EUR
  • Closing consultation of general practitioner check-up programme 30 min. 99,10 EUR
  • Preparation of extracts and certificates 10 min. 11,60 EUR
  • Extension of the driver’s medical certificate 30 min. 79,80 EUR
  • General practitioner home visit - 170,00 EUR - 250,00 EUR
Hepatologist Open
  • Hepatologist’s appointment 30 min. 86,90 EUR
  • Hepatologist’s repeated appointment 20 min. 79,80 EUR
Immunologist Open
  • Immunologist appointment 40 min. 92,10 EUR
  • Immunologist repeated appointment 20 min. 82,90 EUR
Infectologist Open
  • Infectologist appointment 40 min. 92,30 EUR
  • Infectologist repeated appointment 20 min. 82,50 EUR
Cardiologist Open
  • Cardiologist appointment 30 min. 94,70 EUR
  • Cardiologist repeated appointment 20 min. 84,80 EUR
  • Repeated cardiologist appointment with EHO screening included - min. 132,10 EUR
  • Cardiologist appointment with echocardiografphy included - 179,80 EUR
  • EKG taking - min. 20,80 EUR
  • Explanation of EKG results - min. 45,30 EUR
  • EKG recording and analysis (as part of the consultation) - 55,80 EUR
Kinesiologist Open
  • Physiotherapist-applied kinesiologist appointment 60 min. 72,10 EUR
  • Physiotherapist-applied kinesiologist repeated appointment 60 min. 67,50 EUR
Surgeon Open
  • Surgeon appointment 30 min. 89,20 EUR
  • Surgeon repeated appointment 20 min. 82,90 EUR
  • Surgeon consultation following operation - bandaging, suture removal 15 min. 58,70 EUR
Mammologist Open
  • Highly qualified, Doctor of Medicine, Surgeon- mammologist, mammologist - oncologist appointment 35 min. 95,00 EUR
  • Highly qualified, Doctor of Medicine, Surgeon- mammologist, mammologist - oncologist repeated appointment 30 min. 75,00 EUR
  • Surgeon- mammologist appointment 45 min. 85,90 EUR
  • Surgeon- mammologist repeated appointment 30 min. 69,10 EUR
  • Highly qualified, Doctor of Medicine, Surgeon- mammologist, mammologist – oncologist with USG screening during the consultation 45 min. 135,00 EUR
Otolaryngologist Open
  • Otolaryngologist appointment for adults (price includes tympanic membrane microscopy, tympanometry, reflectometry, otoacoustic emission) 40 min. 88,40 EUR
  • Otolaryngologist repeated appointment for adults (price includes tympanic membrane microscopy, tympanometry, reflectometry) 30 min. 82,20 EUR
  • Otolaryngologist scheduled consultation in pediatrics 25 min. 89,20 EUR
  • Otolaryngologist repeated consultation in pediatrics 20 min. 83,10 EUR
  • Audiometry with interpretation (within the consultation) – min. 58,90 EUR
  • USG for nasal sinuses within the appointment – min. 19,40 EUR
  • USG for nasal sinuses within the appointment – min. 33,10 EUR
  • Ear or tonsil rinsing within the appointment – min. 37,00 EUR
  • Video laringoscopy (within the appointment) – min. 25,00 EUR
  • Phoniatric specialist appointment 30 min. 82,50 EUR
Vertebrologist / Spinal surgeon Open
  • Vertebrologist consultation 30 min. 84,70 EUR
  • Vertebrologist repeated appointment 30 min. 74,70 EUR
Arts-drama therapist – psychotherapy Open
  • Psychotherapist consultation with art-drama therapy method. for adults 60 min. 79,00 EUR
  • Arts-drama therapy session for couple 60 min. 118,50 EUR
Sleep diagnostics specialist Open
Neurologist Open
  • Neurologist appointment 30 min. 92,10 EUR
  • Neurologist appointment (Dr.Med.Baltgaile) 30 min. 95,00 EUR
  • Neurologist repeated appointment 20 min. 80,70 EUR
  • Neurologist repeated appointment (Dr.Med.Baltgaile) 20 min. 84,00 EUR
  • Neurologist consultation with duplex scan and dopplerography of head and neck blood vessels and interpretations 40 min. 189,30 – 194,70 EUR
  • Blockade - analgesic injections in neurology within the appointment - min. 58,90 EUR
Ophthalmologist / Eye doctor Open
  • Eye doctor appointment 30 - 60 min. 99,80 EUR
  • Eye doctor repeated appointment - for evaluation of analyses and assignation to treatment 15 - 30 min. 85,00 EUR
  • OCT - Optical coherence tomography - 42,00 EUR
  • OCT – Optical coherence tomography within appointment - 35,00 EUR
Oncologist Open
Osteopath Open
  • Osteopath appointment 40-60 min. 99,70 EUR
  • Osteopath repeated appointment 20 min. 94,20 EUR
Osteo-reflexotherapist Open
  • Osteo-reflexotherapist appointment 60 min. 86,10 EUR
  • Osteo-reflexotherapist repeated appointment 30 min. 75,10 EUR
  • Paravertebral blockade within the osteo-reflexotherapy consultation -- min. 50,20 EUR
  • Paravertebral block in osteoreflexotherapy 30 min. 76,80 EUR
  • Osteo-reflexotherapeutical manipulation HJ 40 min. 115,90 EUR
Pneumonologist - allergologist Open
  • Pneumonologist-allergologist consultation (with spirography within the consultation) 50 min. 122,20 EUR
  • Pneumonologist - allergologist appointment without spirography 40 min. 98,10 EUR
  • Pneumonologist - allergologist repeated appointment 30 min. 92,80 EUR
  • Pneumonologist - allergologist smoking cessation consultation 45 min. 98,10 EUR
Podologist Open
  • Podiatrist consultation 30 min. 38,00 EUR
  • First-time therapeutic foot care 90 min. 48,00 EUR
  • Repeat therapeutic foot care 60 min. 45,80 EUR
  • Nail treatment - min. 38,00 EUR
  • Heel treatment - min. 35,00 EUR
  • Ingrown toenail correction - min. 25,10 EUR
  • Ingrown nail dressing - min. 13,80 EUR
  • Treatment of injured or damaged nail - min. 20,60 EUR
  • Treatment of one frog - min. 22,90 EUR
  • Treatment of each subsequent frog - min. 8,00 EUR
  • Treatment of one wart - min. 22,80 EUR
  • Treatment of each subsequent wart - min. 10,80 EUR
  • Nail plate prosthesis with healing gel (thumb nail) - min. 16,20 EUR
  • Nail plate prosthesis with healing gel (small nails) - min. 15,20 EUR
  • Hybrid nail polish removal - min. 6,00 EUR
  • Nail correction with Podofix wire technology - min. 55,00 EUR
  • Nail ablation - min. 62,10 EUR
  • Individual silicone orthoses - min. from 10,00 EUR
Proctologist Open
  • Proctologist appointment 30 min. 98,20 EUR
  • Proctologist repeated appointment 20 min. 87,90 EUR
Psychologist Open
Psychiatrist Open
  • Psychiatrist appointment 45-60 min. 96,10 EUR
  • Psychiatrist repeated appointment 30 min. 78,00 EUR
Psychotherapist Open
  • Psychotherapist appointment 45-60 min. 89,00 - 100,00 EUR
  • Psychotherapist consultation - couple’s psychotherapy 90 min. 150,00 EUR
  • Psychotherapist consultation with art-drama therapy method. for adults 60 min. 89,00 EUR
  • Arts-drama therapy session for couple 60 min. 118,50 EUR
Rehabilitologist Open
  • Physician of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 45 min. 84,70 EUR
  • Extended physician consultation of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 45 – 60 min. 130,00 EUR
Rheumatologist Open
  • Rheumatologist appointment 50 min. 98,10 EUR
  • Rheumatologist repeated appointment 30 min. 88,20 EUR
  • Rheumatologist appointment including USG for joints and interpretation - 175,90 EUR
  • Capillaroscopy in rheumatology within consultation - 50,00 EUR
Technical orthopaedist Open
  • Technical consultation of an orthopedist with foot diagnostics - 50,00 EUR
Traumatologist-orthopaedic Open
  • Traumatologist-orthopaedic appointment 40 min. 89,20 EUR
  • Traumatologist-orthopaedic repeated appointment 20 min. 82,90 EUR
Trichologist (hair health specialist) Open
  • Trichologist appointment 60 min. 92,10 EUR
  • Trichologist repeated appointment 20 min. 82,10 EUR
“Second opinion” consultations Open
  • Oncologist “second opinion” consultation - 300,00 EUR
  • Any speciality (except oncology) “second opinion” consultation - 150,00 EUR
  • Additional payment for combined pathology (per every additional speciality) - 100,00 EUR
Urologist Open
  • Urologist appointment 30 min. 84,00 EUR
  • Urologist repeated appointment 20 min. 78,00 EUR
  • Urologist appointment with USG included - min. 132,60 EUR
Nutritionist Open
  • Nutrition appoitnment - min. 82,50 EUR
  • Nutritionist extended consultation 70 min. 90,00 EUR
  • Nutritionist extended consultation 70 min. 120,00 EUR
  • Extended consultation of a nutritionist for a couple 90 min 125,00 EUR
  • First nutritionist appointment (Maija Fromane) 60 min. 220,00 EUR
  • Re-consultation of a nutritionist (Maija Fromane) 45 min. 165,00 EUR
  • Nutritionist repeated appointment 30 min. 75,00 EUR
  • BIA test - 26,10 EUR
Gynaecologist - oncologist Open