Physiotherapy task is to restore, maintain and improve a person's movements and posture, increase physical endurance, reduce pain and alleviate the course of chronic diseases. A physiotherapist helps people who have muscle disorders, nerve and connective tissue changes after illness, injury, injury, burn or other damage.
Physiotherapists use therapeutic exercises, manual therapy methods, massage, special physiotherapy equipment, etc. to reduce pain, restore muscle function, limb mobility, strength, endurance and coordination. Every person can work with a physiotherapist, unless movement is not allowed due to a serious illness. In individual classes, the physiotherapist uses various physiotherapy methods, teaches how to exercise properly, provides advice on correct training and movements.
She has been working in the field of physiotherapy since 1998. In 2007, she obtained a Master's degree in Health Care. In the clinic, she provides physiotherapy consultations for both children and adults, offering services such as therapeutic massage, therapeutic exercise, kinesiology taping, Sling therapy, and pelvic floor rehabilitation. She continues to enhance her knowledge in the treatment of spinal disorders and the rehabilitation of major joints. She is a second-level certified specialist in Neurokinetic Therapy.
She is knowledgeable about scar development principles and the potential muscle function disorders associated with scars after abdominal plastic surgeries and joint replacement surgeries.
She is well-versed in the rehabilitation of spinal disorders during preoperative and postoperative periods.
Her work is based on the belief that a physiotherapist serves as a guide for individuals on their journey to a healthy life filled with energy, joy, and strength.
She regularly improves her knowledge by attending professional development courses and seminars both in Latvia and abroad.
She obtained her Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy from the Rehabilitation Faculty of Rīga Stradiņš University in 2015. In 2017, she earned an academic Master's degree in Nutrition Science from RSU.
She consults adults and children (starting from school age) with both acute injuries and chronic diseases, particularly focusing on musculoskeletal disorders or other conditions that result in functional limitations. She specialises therapeutic exercises, soft tissue techniques, kinesiology taping and massage treatments. She also provides consultations for women during pregnancy and the postpartum period, offering prenatal massage. If needed, she gives recommendations on proper nutrition principles for various health conditions.
Ilze regularly enhances her knowledge in physiotherapy by participating in courses, seminars, and conferences.