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Specialists / Services
Duration, MIN
Allergy tests
Skin tests (single test price)
- min.
5,20 EUR
Cryotherapy for neoplasia and wart removal
20 min.
45,00 EUR
Dermatological manipulation - shelling of contagious molluscs (small volume)
45 min.
79,00 EUR
Dermatological manipulation - shelling of contagious molluscs (large volume)
45 min.
95,10 EUR
Darsonvalization procedure
10 min.
18,00 EUR
Physical therapy, electrotherapy
Physical therapy, electrotherapy
30 min.
17,50 EUR
Physical therapy: Electrophoresis (1 session)
30 min.
17,50 EUR
Darsonvalization procedure
10 min.
18,00 EUR
IUS insertion
30 min.
75,00 EUR
Spiral NOVA T
- min.
70,00 EUR
Spiral Mirena
- min.
165,00 EUR
Spiral Fleree
- min.
210,00 EUR
Spiral Kyleena
- min.
210,00 EUR
Spiral GoldT
- min.
75,00 EUR
Removal of IUS within the consultation
- min.
50,00 EUR
Taping in gynaecology and obstetrics within the consultation
- min.
35,00 EUR
Taping in gynaecology and obstetrics
15 min.
29,50 EUR
Gynaecological manipulation - treating the cervix with medication
- min.
35,00 EUR
Cryotherapy - Cervical erosion freezing, polyp freezing
20 min.
50,00 EUR
Suture removal, wound treatment in gynaecology
20 min.
18,00 EUR
Pregnancy test
- min.
6,00 EUR
Injections - blockades
Paravertebral blockade in osteoplex therapy
30 min.
82,90 EUR
Paravertebral blockade within the osteoeplexotherapy consultation
- min.
50,20 EUR
Puncture of the joint or injection into the joint
- min.
79,00 EUR
Trigger point blockade
15 min.
45,00 EUR
Epidural blockade
15 min.
85,00 EUR
Nerve root blockade
15 min.
75,00 EUR
Blockade for elbow
15 min.
35,00 EUR
Blockade for the carpal tunnels of one hand
15 min.
40,00 EUR
Blockade for the carpal tunnels of both hands
15 min.
49,00 EUR
Surgical manipulation
20 min.
65,30 EUR
Incision or excision of formations (of any location) - in surgery
- min.
120,50 EUR
Applying a plaster bandage
- min.
from 50,00 - 80,00 EUR
Otolaryngology / ENT
Nasal sinus rinsing (within the appointment)
- min.
38,10 EUR
Nasal sinus rinsing (beside the appointment)
20 min.
37,00 EUR
Ear or tonsil rinsing within the consultation
- min.
37,00 EUR
Cryotherapy - tonsil freezing
30 min.
45,00 EUR
Medication input in ear canal
20 min.
25,00 EUR
Maxilla sinus puncture
20 min.
34,00 EUR
The endoscopic examination of the nose, throat, and larynx
- min.
25,00 EUR
Ear-way rinsing within the consultation
10 min.
25,00 EUR
Child eye doctor manipulation - probing the tear channel
15 min.
78,20 EUR
30 min.
87,30 EUR
Stitch removal and bandaging in proctology
20 min.
61,10 EUR
Incision or excision of small formations (any localisation) in proctology
20 min.
120,50 EUR
Flexible ligature application 1. procedure
30 min.
97,90 EUR
Flexible ligature application 2. procedure
30 min.
97,90 EUR
Flexible ligature application 3. procedure
30 min.
92,00 EUR
General medicine
Collection of test material
- min.
13,30 EUR
I/M injection
- min.
24,70 EUR
I/M injection in proctology
- min.
15,00 EUR
I/M injection (with own medication)
- min.
16,60 EUR
I/V injection (with multiple medications)
- min.
67,30 EUR
I/V infusion
- min.
95,00 EUR
I/V infusion (with own medications)
- min.
66,00 EUR
I/v system with Fe
- min.
108,00 EUR
I/v system with Fe (own medicine)
- min.
58,00 EUR
I/V infusion (with multiple medications)
- min.
149,50 EUR
Glucose test together with blood test
- min.
59,30 EUR
Nasal sinus rinsing
- min.
37,00 EUR
Suture removal, wound treatment in general medicine
- min.
15,00 EUR
- min.
11,50 EUR
- min.
17,30 EUR
Inhalation with medication
- min.
29,60 EUR
Blood tests - ACTH test (Synacthen) with 17α-OH-progesterone in endocrinology
- min.
66,00 EUR
Blood tests - ACTH test (Synacthen) with 17α-OH-progesterone in gynecology
- min.
93,50 EUR
Prescribing prescription
- min.
30,00 EUR
Personal manager services
– min.
13,80 EUR
Preparation of documents
- min.
20,70 EUR