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Elastography, also known as sonoelastography, is the latest ultrasound (USG) method, performed similarly to a standard ultrasound examination. During elastography, the physician scans the organs of interest, identifying nodules or other suspicious structures. The physician activates the elastography mode on the equipment and measures the elasticity of the formations, comparing it to surrounding tissues.

Elastography is widely used today in examining abdominal organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys, thyroid, and soft tissues of the neck, as well as in breast gland examinations and in diagnosing muscle and tendon injuries. Special endocavitary probes (used in gynecological and rectal examinations) are also used in examining formations such as the prostate, bladder, rectum, uterus, ovaries, and others. Patient sensations during the examination are similar to those of a regular ultrasound - there is no pain or discomfort.

Preparation for the Examination

There is no special preparation required, except for fasting for four hours before liver elastography examinations. If a patient has eaten, technically feasible measurements can still be taken, but they may not be accurate due to changes in liver blood flow, which affects density indicators. For abdominal ultrasound with elastography, fasting for six hours prior to the examination is necessary.

There are no significant restrictions on performing this examination—it can be conducted in all age groups, including pregnant women.


USG for adults

  • USG for breast gland 30 min. 118,50 EUR
  • USG for one joint 30 min. 112,30 EUR
  • USG for 2 types of examination for adults (abdominal cavity / thyroid gland / breast gland / prostate) 40 min. 211,60 EUR
  • USG for 3 types of examination for adults (abdominal cavity / thyroid gland / breast gland) 60 min. 60 min. 328,60 EUR
  • USG for lymph nodes and soft tissues 20 min. 116,30 EUR
  • USG for kidney and bladder 20 min. 109,10 EUR
  • USG for thyroid gland 20 min. 114,50 EUR
  • USG for abdominal organs 30 min. 121,70 EUR
  • USG for men’s testicular examination 15 min. 110,10 EUR
  • USG for men’s transrectal prostate examination 20 min. 118,80 EUR
  • USG for peripheral nerves 30 min. 103,20 EUR
  • Additional payment for elastography 15 min. 50,00 EUR
  • Liver elastography as a separate examination 20 min. 166,50 EUR
  • Thyroid gland elastography as a separate examination 20 min. 157,30 EUR
  • Breast gland elastography as a separate examination 20 min. 153,70 EUR
  • Leg vein USG (w spectrum analysis) - min. 103,50 EUR
  • Remote consultation of radiologist - min. 90,40 EUR
  • USG - Evaluation of Gallbladder Function in Dynamic 15 min. 54,00 EUR

USG for pregnant women

  • USG for pregnant women (accoucheurical) with consultation 30 min. 115,80 EUR
  • USG for pregnant women (accoucheurical) with foetal blood vessel dopplerography 40 min. 132,50 EUR
  • USG for pregnant women (TWINS) 45-60 min. 125,90 EUR
  • USG for pregnant women – expert level (FMF protocol) - 155,00 EUR
  • FMF expert level conversion un protocol as separate service - 65,00 EUR

USG for children

  • USG for breast glands for children 20 min. 94,60 EUR
  • USG for lymph nodes and soft tissues for children 20 min. 114,50 EUR
  • USG for kidney and bladder for children 20 min. 109,10 EUR
  • USG for thyroid gland for children 20 min. 110,50 EUR
  • USG abdominal sonoscopy for children 20 min. 111,70 EUR
  • USG for single-joint children 20 min. 99,80 EUR
  • USG neurosonoscopy for infants 20 min. 111,90 EUR
  • USG for infant hip joints 20 min. 109,70 EUR
  • USG for infants and childs 2 types of examinations in one consultation 30 min. 197,50 EUR
  • USG for infants and childs 3 types of examinations in one 40 min. 296,80 EUR
  • Gynaecological USG for children (for small pelvic organs by stomach) 20 min. 81,10 EUR
  • USG for children - testis 25 min. 100,50 EUR