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Special care for patients at risk of COVID-19

Special care for patients at risk of COVID-19

Clinic Premium Medical always follows the highest standards, even in these conditions. Doctors, staff and our visitors use the necessary protective equipment, but the premises and surfaces are regularly disinfected.

However, we want to take even more care of those customers who are at risk of Covid-19 * and avoid visiting a doctor so as not to increase the risk of infection. By applying in advance to such clients special service is provided - a separate entrance and direct access to the required doctor's office, support of a personal assistant, which would ensure minimal contact with other clients.

We kindly ask for your responsibility and adherence to all safety precautions, but we also want to remind you that postponing medical care can be harmful or even dangerous, causing chronic or new-onset illnesses, delaying the course of treatment.

* seniors, patients with oncological diseases and other chronic diseases that lower the body's immunity and ability to resist Covid-19.